Ben Treger

Investing in Youth: Scholarships Available

Our Members are committed to investing in the next generation of decision-makers and innovators. On behalf of our membership, TRREB grants scholarships to high school students with an interest in real estate who are pursuing post-secondary education through our annual Past President’s Scholarship initiative.

Since the program’s inception in 2007, fifty-eight deserving students have received a total of $222,000 in scholarship money awarded.

This year, eligible students may apply for one of eight awards: two $5,000 first-place, two $2,500 second-place, two $2,000 third-place awards, and two $1,500 fourth-place awards.

To qualify, students must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership skills and community involvement; show an interest in a field related to the real estate industry; and write a 1,500- to 1800-word essay on one of two timely real estate-related topics.

Share the application form, including the essay topics. The deadline to submit is Friday, March 24, 2023, at 3:00 p.m.

Learn more about last year’s winners and their essays on the generational wealth transfer trend and the pandemic’s ripple effects on housing, the economy and employment.

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