Ben Treger

Factors to Consider When Deciding Where to Live

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Whether you’re choosing to stay in the same city or relocate to a new province entirely, there are plenty of options available when looking to buy a new home, and it’s important not to box yourself in. Sure, you like the neighbourhood you live in right now, and it may be sad to leave, but there are plenty of other unique places across Canada to live, and it’s essential to consider all your options when deciding where to live.

Which is the Most Important Factor in Deciding Where to Live?

Before deciding where you want to live, it’s important to think about what you want out of a city and a home. Therefore, your decision where to live should be guided by your goals from home ownership. Before starting your house hunting phase, make a list of your must-haves for both the new home and the neighbourhood. Make sure to keep it realistic and don’t set your standards too low or too high. Doing this alone will be a fun task to kickstart your daydreaming, and it will also help you narrow down your scope of the search. You’ll also be able to tell your real estate agent what you’re looking for, allowing them to serve you better.

Sitting down and making a list of your needs can be daunting when choosing where to live. So, we will make it easier on you by outlining some of the key things to consider when deciding where to live.


Practicality is key when looking for a new place to live, especially regarding finances. Setting out your budget and creating a financial plan will save plenty of time looking at houses out of your price range. A strong suggestion is to meet with a mortgage professional to discuss your mortgage opportunities before beginning your house hunt.

Another factor regarding affordability is considering the location where you’d like to live. Houses in the GTA are typically pricier than homes on the East Coast or in the Prairie Provinces – meaning, if you’re willing to relocate across the country, what your budget can afford in one city is vastly different than what it can afford in another.

Size of the House

Tying itself into the affordability factor would be the size requirements of your future home. If yours is a family of six, you probably aren’t looking to buy a two-bedroom condo. However, a house big enough for a family of six can be pricey in certain areas across the country.

Before talking to a Realtor, have an idea of how many bedrooms and bathrooms you’ll want in your new house and then start looking at the average prices for homes that size. This will help you determine if you can feasibly afford to stay in the city you’re currently in or if you’ll need to relocate to buy a home with sufficient space for your needs.

Proximity to Work

How close or far away your new home is from work is a dealbreaker for many. Some may not mind driving 30 minutes each way or commuting across a few cities – as many do in the GTA – to get to and from work every day. But, for others, living within a few minutes of the office is vital. Set out a kilometre-radius limit when searching for your new home, and it will help you narrow down your house search.

If you’re moving to a new city or province, it may not be as essential to do this. However, something to consider is the work opportunities in the new area you will be living in and nearby industries.

Your Must-Haves

Many of us have make-or-break factors regarding what our home is equipped with. When looking to move, this is a key thing to consider, as you don’t want to pay for a house you don’t love. Perhaps one of your must-haves is main floor laundry – when looking at homes, tell your Realtor this is a must-have as it will help narrow the search considerably. Besides, the last thing you want is to move into a house that doesn’t have the one or two specific features that are important to you.

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